Sunday, December 28, 2008



The smell was that of burned plastic when Gabriel Steinham woke up from
his drug-induced coma state on the wet concrete street of Multiplici-city.

Sitting up, he felt sharp pains all around his body; in fact, upper torso seemed
to be riddled with bullet holes. Looking half-stupidly at the bright blood on his
shirt, he still couldn't help thinking: "Where the hell did I left my keys?"

[fade out]


[the TITLE with fast zooming letters towards the viewer, with black and white colors, think Psycho.]

[slow fade in from white, scene in a park]

We return to GABRIEL as he walks through a Middle-England park during
early spring; a few trees have started blossoming, and there's also just a few tiny patches of snow left. GABRIEL is walking on a small park walkway made
of gray concrete. He seems to be in a hurry.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Experiment #455

The wallpaper crawls with images of unknown forgotten lore
A glass ball is installed into a dead eye socket of a forest fox
Sharp teeth of a broken skull call out to you with a primal force
You answer hesitantly / Breaking free / Shedding the clothing of humanity
No more decency / No more inhibitions / Only fear and hunger

You are an animal

Embracing the primal instincts sets you apart from them

Metallic taste of blood fills the mouth, the nose and breath
Tasting this ancient potion makes you almost insane
Cannot really tell what direction is which
The yellow eyes are filled with madness and rage
Red foam forms around the corners of the jaw

Only fear and hunger

In a quick fit the bookshelves are torn asunder
Tomes of knowledge now sprawled across the room
White pages riddled with striking bright blood
Old knick-knacks broken apart every which way
The scars telling a vivid story of betrayal

All meaning and rational thought is useless now
The lifeblood turns into a powerful humming noise
The face turns into a twisted mess of lustful aggression
Death / Hunger / Lust / Aggression / Fear
These are the five forces you now obey.

And you must. You must obey.

Monday, December 15, 2008

John and Jill

John woke up one day, with a zapping lasers and a whirring noise in his ears and the white mist that emerged from the HappyHuman Klono-O-Mat 4000 humanoid cloning add-on. A timer beeped silently on his synth-flesh wrist: This was day #45443.

DAY #45443

John made a slow movement on top of the watch, thus ending the timer alarm on his PersonoComTron or PCT. This clock-like gadget was the latest in small-scale personal electronics, which was slang for a your regular computing unit, virtual reality port / mental uplink and entertainment system. The "screen" (which was not actually a screen, but a sort of information overlay that was embedded in his visual image non-intrusively) displayed a few fun statistics about his earlier day:



Day length: 23hrs 11min 5sec

Daily highlights:

11:03:05 ROUTINE _WAKEUP (Waking up): XX day.


And so on. These statistics were of little interest for him, as he wasn't really able to remember what usually happened on the woman-days. He has tried reading them a couple of times, but usually was unable to grasp the full image of what this person was like. Moving his hand again in slow manner, the displays closed and the view was replaced with a locator and a map overlay he liked to use helping him find his way around the city.


TODAY'S TASKS: Meet the Group. (due: 1hr 5min 2sec) :)


The display also told John that the meeting was only twenty minutes away from his home, a fact he already knew full well anyway. "I'm goin' I'm goin'" he shouted tiredly at the happy blue text on his view. The cloning process always left him feeling tired, which was rather odd knowing that he never should have been tired right after his molecular regeneration. He thought to himself that it must the way cloning is analogous to an actual birth anyway, and the brain just knows it is new, for some quasi-cosmological reason.

John got up, and started his way toward the meeting...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Summer of '07

this gift i give to you of
my innocence

i have chosen you to be
the one to make me whole

we're still so young and

nothing is unbearable yet
if we face it together

but then again, we're only

what we are doing are just
the hormones talking

shouting at us

the veins hardening and softening
with the hot red blood coursing

making a maddening shriek and a
deafening hum

thump thump thump thump
your heart beats a rhythm

and i hi-hat myself to the snare
the bass drum steals the beat

and we understand that this is
what they mean about making



Saturday, December 13, 2008

MC Love Bandit presents...: volume #1

fuck it suck it baby
we got the whole night ahead
try my mystic jello
i've heard it's a special treat

maybe i will go down on you
or maybe you on i
it doesn't really matter
as both are equally fine

they call me the midnight soldier
they call you the amazon queen
whatever we do together
it is bound to be okay

love is good, sex is better
i am also known as the sex getter
you go by the name of funky lady
they say that you are give excellent head...y

bad sex poetry
coming from my mouth
when we are done with the intercourse
your mother will move to south
(because she is so outraged by our shameless display
of carnal love...

travelling at the speed of sound

move forward
move backward
move towards the light

on the train
clank-clanking on the tracks
taking you quickly
to somewhere you have not been

clapham junction

the way out
or is it?

mind the gap

the metal box
separating you and nature
your nature

grass fields
what am i doing here anyway

everything goes dark

a tunnel perhaps
or is it?

maybe you finally
managed to see the light
and die

closing your eyes
you sigh a little

thinking of all those
moments you could
have been with

a girl
a boy


you think to yourself

"what is it all for?"

being alone
surrounded by people

the difference there is
the perception of yourself

loathing oneself is easy
when you have no self-image
at all

just think of you as
the disembodied narrator
of agatha christie novels


you did it

you well perfectly know
why you just sit and


active action needs to be
taken if love is to be

dress nicely
dance well

have a fucking collage degree
in journalism or interior design

whatever is needed for them
to love you

embrace the expectations of
other people

and you may finally acquire some
sense of self-worth

finally some action!

stop deluding yourself

you... you, you you...
you bastard
you fiend
you asshole
i hate you

me you i

we are not meant to be

you don't make me

i want to get out
i want time for myself
i want to watch ugly betty

me me me me me me me me me

i never loved you at all

it's only an addiction anyway

i am a love junkie

i sniff affection
i devour kindness
i inject myself with happiness
i get high on romantic sex

what about you
what about me
what about i

question: what are we doing together

i cannot let myself do what i want
she sends me mixed messages

my captain cosmos translator ring is broken
i cannot understand her
out-of-this-world behaviour

why don't you just sit next to me
and hold me

be with me

love me

embrace me with your warm body
and whisper into my ear

"i am yours"

and you bet
i'm yours too

now we can face anything
any sort of hurdle
any sort of mistake

a strong bond will never break

under stress
under duress

be my yoko
be my john

and let us be
the plastic ono band

the two virgins
the gallagher brothers of love

and fifty years later
on a sea shore

we look each other deep into
the eyes

and we see no regret

no missed opportunities

no missed calls

open your eyes

you have arrived at
your destination

mind the gap...

...mind the gap