Monday, December 15, 2008

John and Jill

John woke up one day, with a zapping lasers and a whirring noise in his ears and the white mist that emerged from the HappyHuman Klono-O-Mat 4000 humanoid cloning add-on. A timer beeped silently on his synth-flesh wrist: This was day #45443.

DAY #45443

John made a slow movement on top of the watch, thus ending the timer alarm on his PersonoComTron or PCT. This clock-like gadget was the latest in small-scale personal electronics, which was slang for a your regular computing unit, virtual reality port / mental uplink and entertainment system. The "screen" (which was not actually a screen, but a sort of information overlay that was embedded in his visual image non-intrusively) displayed a few fun statistics about his earlier day:



Day length: 23hrs 11min 5sec

Daily highlights:

11:03:05 ROUTINE _WAKEUP (Waking up): XX day.


And so on. These statistics were of little interest for him, as he wasn't really able to remember what usually happened on the woman-days. He has tried reading them a couple of times, but usually was unable to grasp the full image of what this person was like. Moving his hand again in slow manner, the displays closed and the view was replaced with a locator and a map overlay he liked to use helping him find his way around the city.


TODAY'S TASKS: Meet the Group. (due: 1hr 5min 2sec) :)


The display also told John that the meeting was only twenty minutes away from his home, a fact he already knew full well anyway. "I'm goin' I'm goin'" he shouted tiredly at the happy blue text on his view. The cloning process always left him feeling tired, which was rather odd knowing that he never should have been tired right after his molecular regeneration. He thought to himself that it must the way cloning is analogous to an actual birth anyway, and the brain just knows it is new, for some quasi-cosmological reason.

John got up, and started his way toward the meeting...

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