Monday, November 24, 2008

For my friend L

Whatever is the quality of love?

The life lived faithfully ending up in a forgotten ditch /
Unspoken words evoking forgotten memories /

You are your kind smile, fulfilling the given promises /
And the golden circlet, embodying the union of Two /

The laughter of children, the golden harvest of Man /
Two hands locked in an eternal partnership /

The silent creaking of an old wooden chair /
Overturned cup of water, leaking on the old oak floor /

Us and us alone, we and we together /
Facing what may, doing what we will

For me, that is the quality of love

Monday, November 10, 2008

sorry for the inconvenience

sorry for the inconvenience
i'm afraid all the seats are booked
terribly sorry miss
but you have to catch the next flight

sorry for the inconvenience
i'm afraid your son will never be normal
all the other kids will laugh at him
we cannot change genetics

sorry for the inconvenience
i'm afraid this marriage isn't working out
we don't even like each other
i want something better

sorry for the inconvenience
i'm afraid your life was useless
you didn't do anything worthwhile
so i guess you died as you lived

sorry for the inconvenience
i'm afraid that is all of it
maybe you'd like another go at it?
but then again, it's doomed to fail anyway

and again, sorry for the inconvenience