Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Experiment #455

The wallpaper crawls with images of unknown forgotten lore
A glass ball is installed into a dead eye socket of a forest fox
Sharp teeth of a broken skull call out to you with a primal force
You answer hesitantly / Breaking free / Shedding the clothing of humanity
No more decency / No more inhibitions / Only fear and hunger

You are an animal

Embracing the primal instincts sets you apart from them

Metallic taste of blood fills the mouth, the nose and breath
Tasting this ancient potion makes you almost insane
Cannot really tell what direction is which
The yellow eyes are filled with madness and rage
Red foam forms around the corners of the jaw

Only fear and hunger

In a quick fit the bookshelves are torn asunder
Tomes of knowledge now sprawled across the room
White pages riddled with striking bright blood
Old knick-knacks broken apart every which way
The scars telling a vivid story of betrayal

All meaning and rational thought is useless now
The lifeblood turns into a powerful humming noise
The face turns into a twisted mess of lustful aggression
Death / Hunger / Lust / Aggression / Fear
These are the five forces you now obey.

And you must. You must obey.

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