Wednesday, February 11, 2009

a game design for a school project

The game is a “moody” adventure game, the term moody referring to a type of game play with no actual goal. The game is an experience, an interactive movie of sorts with no right or wrong outcome.The player experiences the story through discussions of other characters and settings, acting as a narrator of sorts to the story.

Set in a world where time has turned backwards, the story is told from the viewpoint of three characters, all stuck in a snowstorm in a cabin high up an unnamed mountain. The game is divided into three equal parts or chapters, each involving one character and his/her story.

The world and setting is a reality where time runs backwards, which has eliminated death from the lives of people, and now the end of a human life is birth (turning into a sperm and an unfertilized ovum). Time has gradually slowed down, and then, starts reversing. Past events start recurring.

People eat by regurgitating foods into food containers. Raining starts from the ground up. When people start fighting they suddenly get all hurt and then the opponent heals them by attacking them. Old buildings are re-built with wrecking crew equipment. Dead people raise from their graves and start getting younger. The universe is bound towards the Big Bang again, and thus, an Armageddon of un-birth.

The player characters are different people caught in the early days of “The Event”, as the time-turning is called in the game universe:
The three main characters are:

“A” – an undertaker, reassigned as “wake-upper”, i.e. a person responsible for patrolling graveyards and finding dead people coming back to life.

“B” – a novelist, now disenchanted as she has to unwrite all her books

“C” – a Christian priest battling with the new unnecessity of religion.

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